
White House two green table prices to stimulate private property

The policy address proposes the normalization of Pak Habitat II with 3,000 places each year and is expected to stimulate property prices in Habitat II. In the future, there will be an endless flow of purchasing power of white watches and a further narrowing of the gap between the prices of uncompleted HOS flats and free market HOS flats.

As most people buy the most important thing is the value of property or the amount of future resale premiums, discount rates and other issues, of course, is not the primary factor for the moment, and commonly known as the most attractive Baici two, it is buyers do not have to pay the equivalent Compared with the purchase of private-owned flats and free market HOS flats, they can buy second-hand HOS flats (that is, uncompleted HOS flats, commonly known as Green Form HOS flats), even out of their own reach, even in the hundreds of thousands million dollar.

Free price factor in the second floor price rise

In the past, the market prices of Habitat II and the free market still lagged behind, reflecting the factor of land premium of the unit discount rate. However, with the introduction of a large number of White House customers in the past two periods, ignoring the issue of discount rate, To chase the market itself limited disk source, successfully pushed up the second home price.

For example, during the launch of Phase 1 Pak Ho II, the prices of private flats rose by about 18%. However, the price increase of the second market for HOS flats reached 30% over the same period. The second phase of White House II, which went on sale last year, also stimulated Second-hand public housing